The Promised Gift


Sitting in my favorite spot on a cushion leaning against the wall in the upper room, my mind attempts to process all the recent events. How is it possible that our Teacher Yeshua is gone? About 100 of us gather here daily to pray and support each another.

We are afraid of the Romans, as they could decide we will die, just as they crucified Yeshua. We are afraid of the Jewish leaders as they are the ones who convinced the Romans to kill Him.

We are hopeful as Yeshua appeared to us numerous times since his death. Most recently he told us to stay here In Jerusalem for a gift the Father will send us.  I wonder what that gift is. We have not seen Yeshua since He rose into a cloud of God’s glory on Mount Olivet ten days ago. 

Jerusalem is crowded, as every year Jews from all the world travel here to celebrate the Festival of Pentecost. Fifty days ago on Passover, we celebrated God freeing us from slavery to the Egyptians. Oddly, Yeshua died just hours before that Feast began, when the priest was killing the innocent lamb at the Temple.

Today we remember God giving Moses the Torah, His message to us in written form. God wrote the words on two stone tablets with His own finger. We also celebrate the harvest, God’s goodness in providing nourishment for our bodies.

I am jolted out of my head when the room where we are gathered is suddenly filled with the sound of a rushing violent wind. Tongues resembling fire separate and rest on the top of our heads.  Each of us is infused fully with the Holy Spirit. We are given power to speak God’s message. As we begin to speak, we hear languages that we do not understand.

In our excitement we hustle down the steps into the city. What a spectacle we are! The street is filled with Jewish men, most of whom are from other countries. Intrigued, each man moves toward us as he hears God’s good news in his own mother tongue!

All listening are perplexed as they attempt to make sense of what is happening. In a vain attempt to rationalize what they are hearing, some accuse us of being drunk.

Peter stands to address the crowd. He reminds them that God spoke through the prophet Joel saying, “It shall be in the last days that I will pour out My Spirit upon all mankind…and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Peter continues to explain through the Scriptures how Jesus is our long-awaited Messiah. He came to conquer death and save us. Those gathered are cut to the heart and ask, “What are we to do?”

Peter responds, “Repent, which means change your way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah. Next, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

An astounding three thousand people respond with belief and are baptized. As followers of Jesus, we no longer hide in an upper room. God is at work changing lives. Each of the 3000 will go back to share the good news with people in his own home country. God’s kingdom is on the move!