No Longer Ashamed


As I snuggle under the covers, next to my lover, the room is just beginning to lighten. I do know our being intimate last night was wrong, but I rationalize my guilt away with dozens of excuses why we needed to be in each other’s arms.

A thunderous knock on the door startles us and instantly we sit up. Two men burst through the door.  I recognize them as Jewish leaders. Why are they here? Immediately the first man grabs me by the arm.  I reach for my clothing and am able to grab my tunic and wrap it partially around myself, as the other man grabs my other arm.  They pull me out into the street. I try to cover myself the best that I can.  Men and women are staring.  Filled with shame, I look down. They know.

The religious leaders jostle me through the streets until we reach the Temple.  Now I realize my demise. When Moses received the Law, God clearly stated if a man and a woman were to sleep together without the covenant of marriage, they were both to be stoned to death. My mind is a blur; this can’t be happening!

The gate into the Temple is open so they drag me inside. Yeshua is sitting in the court, with a crowd of men and women around him. They listen as He teaches.

Next, I am pushed into the center of the court and forced to stand exposed.

One of religious leaders raises his voice, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the very act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women to death. What do You say we do with her? What is your sentence?”

Yeshua walks near me, then stoops down and writes on the ground with His finger. I await His verdict. Time stands still.    

While He is writing, the religious leaders continue to question Him, “Give us your answer. Why are you stalling?  We have asked you a question!”

I cower as Yeshua stands to speak, “He who is without any sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

He returns to writing on the ground. I wait for the first stone. This is it.  I have no time to say good bye to my family and friends.  They will all hear about my shameful behavior and know about my death.

Several minutes pass. The noise of the crowd draws quieter with each moment.

Yeshua stands and speaks directly to me, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?”

I lift my eyes for the first time since entering the Temple.  I look around the room and then directly into His deeply compassionate eyes, and exclaim, “No one, Lord!”

He speaks, “I do not condemn you either.  Go, and from now on sin no more.”

My heart rejoices.  I am given mercy! Yeshua frees me from the penalty of death that I deserve. He gives me new life. He is my Lord and I give my all to worship and serve Him with a heart full of love.