A Voice to Praise


Sweeping the floor, I am waiting for my husband to come home.  He serves as a priest in the Temple for two weeks every year.  I am expecting to hear his voice any moment.  Instead, he comes into our home waving his hands in the air.  His eyes show excitement and fear.  He grabs a writing tablet and scribbles feverishly.

“I was given the high honor to light the incense before God in the temple.

While in God’s presence, a glorious angel appeared and spoke,

 ‘Do not be afraid Zacharias, because God heard your prayer and your wife Elizabeth will give birth to a son, and you will name him John.

You will have great joy and rejoice over his birth. He will be great in the sight of the Lord, and empowered by the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb.’

I questioned the angel, “How can I know this will really happen?  My wife and I are too old for this.”

He responded, ‘I am Gabriel.   I stand and minister in the very presence of God.  He sent me to bring you this good news.  Listen now, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day then these things happen, because you did not believe what I told you; but my words will be fulfilled at the right time.’

My mind is spinning as I attempt to grasp all that my husband is writing.  Our home has been quiet all these years, as I am barren and there are no children running and playing in our rooms.  Now it is extra quiet as I no longer even hear my husband’s voice.

Could it really be true?  God is answering our prayer and giving us a child?  It seems impossible, but we serve a great God and He is faithful to care for us.

Not long after, it happened. I miraculously became pregnant.  God removed my disgrace as a barren woman. My life is forever changed.  I love being pregnant.  Having waited, all these years, it gives me such joy.  In thankfulness I stayed home for the first 5 months of my pregnancy, so I could focus most of my time worshiping God.  My name means, God is my oath. He is the Promise Keeper and He proves that to us time and again.

Now in my 6th month, I hear a young woman’s voice. At once my baby leaps in my womb.  I am filled with the Holy Spirit and with my voice out spills,

“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!

How is it possible that the mother of my Lord would come to me?

For when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.”

This young woman is my cousin Mary.  I barely understand the words that tumbled out of me when she arrived. It makes more sense to me as she tells me of the angel who visited her saying her baby is our long-awaited Messiah, come to rescue us.  I enjoy having Mary live with us. She has a sweet spirit and a deep love for our Lord.

Time flew by, and finally it is time to see our baby John. Once I delivered him, all of our friends and family are rejoicing with us.  It is evident to all that God is showing us His great mercy.

As our son is 8 days old, a priest came to circumcise him.  God requires this as it marks us as His people. It is customary to name the child at this ceremony. No one is listening to me about our son’s name.  Everyone insists that he be named after his father Zacharias.

Finally, my husband picks up a writing tablet and writes, “His name is John.” All the people are shocked as we have no family by that name.  At once Zacharias’ mouth is opened and his tongue freed.  With his voice he is praising, blessing and thanking God, right along with me.