Lashelle Lynn Thompson

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The Outcast

Squatting, I huddle next to the wall of a stone house.  No one must see me. The weakness in my legs require me to rest every few steps I take. Rarely do I leave my home, as I am sick. My unending menstrual bleeding has controlled and drained my life for 12 long years. As an outcast from my family and my community, no one has touched me since my illness began. If someone did touch me, they would be unclean until sundown and need to bathe and wash their clothes. I am barred from the Temple. Oh, how I have missed worship with my people. Has God forgotten me? In my desperation I have sought doctor after doctor, who have taken my money and given nothing in return. In my hopelessness I wonder if death is drawing near.

Talk is swirling about a different Rabbi, named Yeshua, here in Capernaum. His power is like no other; it can only be from Yahweh. A man with leprosy bravely approached him, kneeling he said, “Lord, if You are willing, You are able to make me well”. Yeshua reached out his hand and actually touched this unclean man saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” The leprosy disappeared.  Not only was his life saved, but he joyously returned to living with his family, and worshipping in the Temple.

I peek around the corner of the house. Yeshua is surrounded by a mass of people, as everyone wants to be near him. The crowd is moving my way. My heart races as I realize I might be able push through the swarm of people. If I can only touch his clothing. Maybe God has not forgotten me. A thrill of hope sprouts deep within.

Closer and closer they come. I decide to make my move. Elbowing through the people with all of the strength that my desperate body can muster, I lunge forward and barely touch the hem of his long cloak. Everything in my world changes. Instantly the bleeding stops.

Immediately He turns asking, “Who touched me?”

A follower of the Rabbi, answered, “Master, the crowd of people are pushing against You!”

But Yeshua replies, “Someone did touch Me, because I know when power goes out of Me.”

I realize that I cannot keep hidden any longer. My body is trembling as I take steps until I bow on the ground before Him. All eyes on me, I bravely explain the reason that I touched Him and of my healing.

 With a compassionate voice, He speaks directly to me, “Daughter, your faith and confidence in Me has made you well. Shalom, go in peace and be permanently healed of your suffering.”