Lashelle Lynn Thompson

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As the sun rises, I open my eyes. Ahead of me lies another day to worship Jehovah. I move slowly as an ache in my bones has crept in with age. No other woman has the opportunity that I have to live here at the Temple. My husband died young; we were only married 7 years. This has been my home ever since. Most people pity me as I have no children, but they do not understand the privilege that God has given me to be His prophetess, and worship Him day and night.

I change into my ankle length tunic, and tie the leather belt around my waist.  Although every Hebrew wears an outer garment, mine is unique to those of us widowed. This too covers me to my ankles, and has a hood. As I secure my headdress, I am ready for the day. There is no need to eat as I am fasting while I pray today.

The quietness of early morning is my favorite time of the day. As I enter the Court of Women, I pass through the enormous Beautiful Gate, made of Corinthian brass.  Only a few Nazarites are moving about outside their chamber. I find my spot next to the west wall, kneel before Him and begin praying,

“Who is like you, among the gods, O LORD?

Who is like You, majestic in holiness,

Awesome in splendor, working wonders?

You, in Your lovingkindness and goodness have led the people whom You have redeemed;

In Your strength You have guided them with care to Your holy habitation.”

Lost in worship, the morning passes quickly. As I lift my head and open my eyes, life in the Temple is bustling with activity. Animals and people are everywhere. Merchants are selling cattle, sheep and goats to those who can afford them. Turtle doves and young pigeons are sold to the poor. The daily sacrificing of animals has begun. Jehovah taught us through Moses that we are a sinful people and the only way we can approach Him is by the blood of animals. Day after day we sacrifice.

My eye catches a young couple with a baby. I assume he is a first born, 40 days old, and they have come for his dedication. His mom is here for her purification. Something about her eyes draws me closer.

Simeon, an old man who is here frequently, is talking with them, and next thing I know, he is holding the baby.  As I approach, I hear him blessing and praising God saying,

“For my eyes have seen Your Salvation,

Which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples,

A Light for revelation to the Gentiles to disclose what was previously unknown,

And to bring the praise and honor and glory of Your people Israel.”

Next, he spoke directly to the mother,

“Listen carefully: this Child is appointed and destined to cause the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that is to be opposed, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. And a sword of deep sorrow will pierce through your own soul.”

Deep in my bones I know this is our long-awaited Messiah. My heart is bursting with praise and thanksgiving to God. The redemption and deliverance of Jerusalem is happening.  I see Him with my own eyes, and from now on will tell everyone the good news. He is here!